
Candidiasis (Candida) – Do You Have These Symptoms Candida Albicans is a yeast (fungal) form that inhabits your gut, skin and vagina and when it gets out of control it can cause a myriad of symptoms which are often vague and seem unrelated.  When the overgrowth...

Migraines and Headaches

Stress as a Major Factor in Migraines and Headaches Whilst supplementation with nutrients can help reduce the incidence of migraines and headaches in most cases the underlying cause is related to unrelenting or unresolved  stress of one sort or another. Stress...

How can kinesiology help me?

If you have any of the following health issues then kinesiology may be the modality which can help you.  This is by no means an exhaustive list of the areas where kinesiology can be beneficial but I often find that poor immunity, poor digestive function and hormonal...

Muscular Pain Generally

Kinesiology and the Muscle Meridian Matrix In the 1960’s and early 1970’s chiropractors in America established a relationship between the acupuncture meridians and many of the muscles of the body. Through muscle testing a kinesiologist is able to establish whether...